Halides - 2009 | 12'50 | SUPER 8 ON DV | COLOR | SOUND

This hand processed/solarized film is a meditation on the delicate balance of nature and the pervasive beauty of the environment. Utilizing original film and music by John Davis, the soundtrack also includes archival voice recordings from the 1960's.

A longer version of the film also served as accompaniment to a live music collaboration between John Davis and Maxwell August Croy for The On Land Music Festival in San Francisco in 2009. A DVD capturing the live performance accompanied by the film footage was released on the Root Strata label in 2010.

SCREENINGS - Swedenborg Film Festival, London, England | VIDEOEX, Zurich, Switzerland | P'Silo Images Contre Nature, Marsailles, France | Optronica, Other Cinema, San Francisco | On Land Festival, San Francisco.


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